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Lightweight and simple
jQuery menu for everyone

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Easy to use. Easy to adapt with your project

                $(document).ready(function (){
                        speed               : 50,       // speed in milliseconds 
                                                        // of the opening animation
                        animation           : 'fading', // type of the animation 
                                                        // fading || sliding
                        eventType           : 'hover',  // type of event that trigger
                                                        // animation hover || click
                        delay               : 100,      // the delay in milliseconds that 
                                                        // the mouse can remain outside 
                                                        // the submenu without it closing
                        isHoverClickable    : false,    // set to true if you want to enable 
                                                        // the click on the first level link
                        isLastRightAlign    : true      // set to false if you want to align 
                                                        // left the last submenu